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Verify Downloaded PDF
Verify Downloaded PDF

Verify PDFs with BoloSign to ensure authenticity and integrity. Upload and check signatures, timestamps, and metadata seamlessly.

Jenefa Regina Mary J avatar
Written by Jenefa Regina Mary J
Updated this week


Verifying a downloaded PDF ensures the authenticity and integrity of the document. This guide will walk you through the steps to verify a PDF generated by BoloSign, proving that it was signed and is genuine.

To prove that someone signed your form or pdf upload the generated pdf to this link

PDFs generated after 11th Sept 2023 can only be verified

How To Verify Downloaded PDF?

  1. Click on Verify PDF option on the side menu on the left side of the screen.

Verify PDFs with BoloSign to ensure authenticity and integrity. Upload and check signatures, timestamps, and metadata seamlessly.

2. Click on “Upload File to verify” to upload the file that needs to be verified alternatively you can also drag and drop the pdf.

Upload File to verify

3. Once that is done you can scroll down and see the specifications of the said PDF.


  1. How do I verify a PDF in BoloSign?
    Log into your BoloSign dashboard, click on "Verify PDF" in the side menu, upload or drag and drop the PDF, and then view the specifications.

  2. Can all PDFs be verified?
    Only PDFs generated by BoloSign after September 11, 2023, can be verified using this method.

  3. What information will I see in the verification specifications?
    You will see details about the signatures, timestamps, and other relevant metadata that confirm the authenticity of the PDF.

  4. What should I do if a PDF fails verification?
    If a PDF fails verification, ensure it was generated by BoloSign after the specified date and that it hasn't been altered. Contact BoloSign support if you need further assistance.

  5. Can I download the verification report?
    Currently, BoloSign provides the verification details on-screen. For a downloadable report, check if this feature is available in your account settings or contact support.


Verifying a downloaded PDF in BoloSign is a straightforward process that ensures the document's authenticity and integrity. By following these steps, you can confidently prove that the PDF was signed and is genuine. This feature enhances the security and reliability of your document management process with BoloSign.

How do I verify a PDF document?
How do I verify a downloaded file?
How do you check if a file is a valid PDF?

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