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How Signature Works from Recipient's POV
How Signature Works from Recipient's POV
Chirag Gupta avatar
Written by Chirag Gupta
Updated over a week ago

1. Go to your email where you must have received the document to sign. And select the email sent by the Sender.

Step 1 screenshot

2. Click on "Sign Now".

Step 2 screenshot

3. The name of the Recipient and the Sender is mentioned. Click on "Start Signing".

Step 3 screenshot

4. Sign the document by selecting the "Your Signature" box.

Step 4 screenshot

5. You have various options to choose from. Choose "Draw" if you want to draw your signature. Choose the "Clear" option to draw agin.

Step 5 screenshot

6. Choose "Upload Image" if you want to upload an image of your signature.

Step 6 screenshot

7. Choose "Type" if you want to type your signature. You can choose from various font and color options.

Step 7 screenshot

8. Choose "Saved" if you want to use your default signature saved on your BoloForms Dashboard. Then, click on "Use".

Step 8 screenshot

9. Finish signing your document by clicking on "Finish Signing".

Step 9 screenshot
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